September 2024 Insights



Virgo energy is so supportive as we now take stock through careful reflection and sorting of information to rediscover what quality of life means for us. The new moon at 11 degrees Virgo on the 2nd is a clean vessel with which to receive divine instruction for precise manifestation. Venus will journey this month from a conjunction to lunar south node in her own sign of Libra to opposing Chiron and squaring Pluto while both continue retrograde. This means Divine Feminine goddess energy is supporting what still needs to be felt, transmuted, and returned to a state of genuine peace through release in the realm of relationship, authority, and power-sharing. Mars in Cancer this month urges us to feel our feelings and tend to our needs (and the needs of those in our care) in warrior-like preparation for next month’s battle with Chiron who continues to cramp his Sacred Masculine style while moping through his Aries domain. September is a month to harness mental strength, faking it ‘til we make it if need be, and to push through the blocks that distort self-love as something performative rather than the divine birthright it has always been. Sun opposing Saturn then squaring Jupiter in the week leading up to the Pisces full moon on the 17th reveals how controlling and critiquing energies of perfectionism really kill the vibe and amplify duality. We can just as easily direct this hyper focus to observing the fullness of reality, accepting what is, and appreciating the goodness always present. Use your tools. - Katina 

“We are the prism through which light and energy flows. If we pursue the etheric at the expense of physical presence and grounding, we are missing out on the full richness of the experience of being human. When you are grounded, you come into balance and experience more comfort, flow, and ease.” ~ The Mystics Path

When it comes to our health and wellbeing, we are being reminded to put our roots down this month. Earth shows itself in the seat of our Health and Wellbeing as we move into the final quarter of the calendar year. Earth energies give us the opportunity to ground and integrate more fully our experiences and opportunities for growth and healing that may have shown themselves through the months we have just journeyed. When we are ungrounded we tend to feel adrift or lost. When we reconnect to the earth beneath our feet we regain our sense of self and our sense of place. Earth energies are the very soil from which all is made manifest in this earthly realm. Take your vision for optimal health and wellbeing and use grounding or somatic tools to help you fully claim them into your being.

This month Air energies aid you in seeing what is truly fueling you in the relationships around you. You’ll be guided to prioritize the vital and life giving matters of the heart and to let those relationships that really matter to you guide your very breath. If you are feeling uncertain about matters of the heart, take this opportunity to catch your breath. Air energies can usher in winds of change, but they can also help fill our lungs and oxygenate our cells in ways we’ve been craving for some time. If you have been holding your breath when it comes to matters of the heart this month you are invited to exhale. Your every cell craves oxygen and air is here to serve. Resilience and security will come from your ability to hone your skills of bending with the wind. Rigidity and defensiveness will do you no good this month. Seek flow and connection. Offer and claim extra space to breathe. You may be surprised just how powerful an ally Air can be to your heart and love life.

When it comes to our finances this month, we see the Above card guiding the way. The Above card ushers in two primary lessons you may want to apply to your money matters. First, commit to using your highest self as you make decisions related to your money this month. Second, do not be afraid to summon help from your allies, ancestors, guides and guardians. You do not have to journey alone. In fact despite all the very real “practical” natures of money, money is also an energy, and
energetic that when in flow generates abundance in many forms in our lives. Coming into right relationship with your money this month may mean summoning guidance from above. Pray, contemplate or mediate your way to the answers you seek.

September suspends us in the liminal space between earth and above. All that is below and all that is above. For all the work you have done to courageously go deep into your roots in 2024 and truly excavate what needed to be uprooted so new growth could form, this month your allies, ancestors and angels offer extra support for all that lies ahead. Listen well, give thanks, and journey forward in good hands.

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