October 2024 Insights


As Libra season gets underway with Sun, Mercury, and South Node there, October presents ample opportunity for us to witness our own and others’ people-pleasing and conflictavoidant tendencies. Venus in Scorpio is also sensitive, moody, and vigilant of betrayal and other forms of rejection and abandonment, including of self. As the oppositional energy to our year’s guiding North Node in Aries, and with the lead up of ruler Mars challenging Chiron from his weakened position in Cancer, Libra season may play out as a divine duel of destiny at the crossroads of evolution. Jupiter turning retrograde in Gemini just before Pluto stations direct at the last degree of Capricorn in the second week suggests a need to go back to the school of the soul and review our lessons on healthy detachment, especially of our perceived reputation, and the nature of duality as a balancing force. The second half of October, from full moon in Aries on the 17th and into Scorpio season, reveals the inaccuracy of our neurotic perceptions and skepticisms, the beauty of the deeper truth hiding under insecurity and defensiveness, and the optimism worth holding for the future yet known. - Katina

“Step forward into the not knowing in trust. There are many footsteps on the path before you. You do not need to journey alone. The continuum continues on... Anything is truly possible. Can we priestess a new path to resonance? Can we bring awareness to the unconscious? What will we choose? What will we let go of? What will we create? Nurturing our inner needs, listening deeply to the whispers within... Traveling inward with intention, reverence, and curiosity, we win. ~ Sarah Love - The Mystics Almanac 2023

Priestess | Dreamtime | Shaman

The shift of the seasons is upon us and the changes begin to land deep within our cells. This month, as we are pulled into the energies of the shifting seasons and the thinning of veil we have three very etheric allies to manifestation showing themselves, Priestess, Dreamtime and Shaman. You are being reminded that you hold the wand to your dreams and desires. No one can create or bring into form what you can. When you are clear on your intentions and combine aligned action with alchemy there are few limits to what you bring into form. This month play with your super powers, remember that whether it is your voice, your actions or your pen, you hold the wand. Priestess shows herself as your guide and ally in matters of Health and Wellbeing this month. What was earthy and grounding last month wants to be activated into higher form this month. But it is important to underscore the guidance from the Mystics Oracle, when examining the affirmation for the Priestess card we are reminded that “the earth is my temple.” Having deepened your roots and your earthly connections you are now ready to make the mundane sacred. In this case, your health, your body, your spirit, are sacred. The Priestess claims her gifts and brings reverence and beauty to the spaces she inhabits. Treat your body as the true temple that it is. Let the magic of the Priestess guide your way. 

In October, the Dreamtime card makes an appearance governing our Heart and Relationships. Are you getting familiar with these Dreamtime energies yet? Dreamtime is our most occurring ally in 2024 and now we see it dusting its watery magic on our matters of the heart. The last time we saw Dreamtime governing our relationships was in May of 2021. The guidance offered then holds true now. “Where you journey in the dream space is a landscape not so different from the earthly landscape. It is the dreamscape which, in some cultures, is a more fundamental realm of reality than the waking world. It’s a dimension, a realm, a space to connect with memories, process emotions, and glimpse events past, present, and future. When this card is present, it is a call to honor messages from the ethers. It is a call to look at your core routines so as to better support your connection to the dreamscape. Are you taking care of your rest and your quiet time? Are you creating space to come out of sleep in a good way? A little goes a long way when it comes to honoring your dreams and pulling the key threads through the ethers. Your guides and higher self are waiting with insights for you. Allow them in, and invite in the magic.” You have the opportunity to invite this medicine of the dreamscape to serve your relationships and love cords now. Dream well. 

Ultimately, these mystic energies of Priestess and Dreamtime weave beautifully into the guidance for your Abundance and Prosperity this month, the Shaman card. Despite the exclusionary financial paradigms anchored by late stage capitalism, sacred commerce teaches us that prosperity is your birthright. There is a sacred nature to abundance, prosperity and money that is seldom talked about, often ignored, yet which holds potent medicine for shifting your money story and aligning to new levels of financial abundance than you ever thought possible. 

All exchange and commerce have their roots back to the sacred marketplace and the merchant priest and priestess. With Shaman energies afoot this month now is a potent time to return to those sacred roots. Shaman aids you in bringing prayer and intention into form. The time upon you to manifest prosperity into form. What new (or ancient) pathways want to be traveled to support you in your efforts. These are auspicious energies for activating to your highest resonance for money. 

October energies often create portals to the divine, to magical realms, and to new realities in form. This October that potential is heightened by the guiding cards Priestess, Dreamtime and Shaman, all of which conspire to help you activate and amplify your innate gifts for magic. What Priestess creates from above, Shaman creates below. Grant yourself permission. You hold the wand. - Lindsay