The cards on the 2025 altar anchor energies that will support and guide you as the year unfolds.
Altar: Elementals (36)
Clarifying Card: Sun (19)
Your highest awakened consciousness is forming the new collective before you. It is a web, or matrix, of awakened conscious souls working together in alignment with the highest good for all.
For 2025, the card that emerged to guide us through the year was the Elementals card. The Elementals card, bearing the number 36 in the Mystics Oracle deck, serves as a powerful and enchanting first glimpse into the guiding energies of 2025. Representing the profound connection between humanity and the elemental forces of nature—earth, air, fire, water, and spirit—this card invites us to rediscover and realign with the natural world around us. It beckons us to listen to the whispers of the Earth, to feel the fl ow of water, to bask in the warmth of fire, and to breathe deeply the fresh air that surrounds us.
The energy of the Elementals card is not just about a superficial appreciation of nature. Rather, it is about understanding the deep interconnections that sustain life on this planet and recognizing our role within this great ecosystem. The year ahead promises to be one of deep ecological awareness, where we are called to integrate these elemental forces into our daily lives, enhancing our connection to the environment and each other.
The Elementals represents a fundamental shift from the introspective journey suggested by the Below card of 2024. While last year focused on digging deep into our personal and collective psyches, 2025 invites us to expand outward, engaging with the world through a renewed sense of wonder and responsibility. It is a year to embrace the magic that exists all around us, seeing the world not only as a resource to be managed but also as a source of inspiration and spiritual nourishment.
The presence of the Elementals card on the altar signifies a year of potential growth, healing, and transformation through the lens of nature's timeless wisdom. It reminds us that just as each element contributes uniquely to the balance of life, so too can we find balance in our lives by embracing the diverse aspects of our existence.
In line with our tradition of seeking deeper meanings and guidance, a clarifying card was drawn in conjunction with the Elementals card. The Sun card, a symbol of clarity, vitality, and the life-giving force of our solar system, emerged as the clarifying guide. Together, the Elementals and the Sun highlight a year where illumination and natural connection will guide our paths, encouraging us to live in harmony with the world and to illuminate the darkest corners of our understanding with the light of natural wisdom.
As we embrace the energies of the Elementals card in 2025, we are also called to engage with the more mystical aspects of nature— those that spark our imagination and sense of wonder. This card encourages us to see beyond the physical, to the realms of fairies, devas, and spirits that animate the natural world. It invites us to observe the light dancing on water, to hear the secretive whispers of the wind through the trees, and to feel the presence of the unseen, acknowledging that every element is imbued with life and consciousness. This mystical perspective invites us to interact with the world as a living, breathing entity, full of magic and mystery, ready to enlighten and transform us in the most unexpected ways. As we move through 2025, let the Elementals card remind us of the simple yet profound joy of being part of this vibrant earth. It invites us to step into a world where each moment is infused with the potential for deep connection and where every action is an opportunity to weave the fabric of a more sustainable and spiritually fulfilled life.
Order your 2025 Mystics Almanac now and gain the peace of mind to carry you through the entire year.