Dear Beloved,
You are here today seeking guidance and insights to best navigate the 2025 Timeline.
Let us begin with a brief examination of the concept of Timeline. It is not a predetermined series of events and circumstances that unfold around you to navigate. Nor is it a mechanism ticking relentlessly while you move through the allotted space it represents, testing your abilities, awareness, or worth.
Instead, we invite you to think of the 2025 Timeline, or any Timeline, as a Choice Point or Stream of Possibilities.
You have choices available to you at every moment.
This also means that there are unlimited Timelines, Choice Points or Streams of Possibilities available to you at every moment.
A Stream of Possibilities is not something that, once unlocked, comes at you in a torrent of events you need to figure out, manage, or work around as best
as you can.
It is an unfolding THROUGH, AS, IN and FOR you as you BECOME the Stream of Possibilities.
How you feel, what you think, what you decide to do or not are how you tune into the infinite possibilities that best match your frequency. It need not be complex.
Just as you can switch on your TV and select a show, you do not need to understand how the device and all the power, processes and broadcasting or streaming
service work behind your screen in order to enjoy the output.
The analogy of a streaming service is helpful. Think of life as a Cosmic Streaming of Possibilities that unfold through you as the Projector, Director, Writer, Producer, and Lead.
There are multiple Timelines for 2025. In many - including the one you are tuned into right now as you read this - there is a collective of beings focused on assisting the Ascension of Humanity.
You are one of these beings.
You chose to be here at this pivotal time to contribute to the collective Ascension through your personal Ascension.
“Ascension” means to be, experience, and live from a higher level of Awareness or Higher Frequency. A so we return to Choices, Timelines, Streams of Possibilities, and to tuning into what you, as a conscious being, prefer through your frequency. As a part of your personal and collective Ascension, it is vital to pay attention to what raises your frequency (or not).
Use your discernment as to who and what you allow into your energetic and physical spaces.
Choose what is loving or fitting for you as a divine being of infinite creative life energy. Honor who you are by:
•Not blaming or shaming yourself, or negating your divinity
•No longer doing things out of obligation, guilt, or people-pleasing
•Not making others the reason you can’t be, do, or choose something
•Ceasing comparisons of yourself to another or to an imagined version of yourself
•No longer projecting who you think you should be, what you should have, or should have done by now
•Prioritizing what is loving, nourishing, and nurturing
•Making space for more playfulness, recreational time, and activities
•Curating your life for more of what is uplifting
•Being curious about what else life can offer
•Saying YES to what feels light, expansive, energizing, or intriguing
•Saying NO to whatever feels heavy, burdensome, draining, exhausting, or just not quite right
•Following what you prefer without justifying your choice
These recommendations focus on living with more joy and freedom as the divine being you are. And so they also support you in being a clearer channel
for the specific light codes you came to infuse onto this plane, to bless you, your contribution to Humanity, and All Creation.
Will you take a moment now to breathe this in and be with it?
You are here to channel specific light codes, to bless you, your contribution to Humanity, and All Creation.
When you say YES to what you require, desire, or find delightful, you:
•Experience life as and through your Original Coding, free from the conditioning, programming, ancestral patterns, vows, declarations, assumptions, contracts, etc., that interfere with your ability and right to choose freely.
•Rise above the problem paradigm where there is always something to fix or solve, a price to pay, or only so much to go around.
•Activate and expand the paradigm of possibilities by dissolving the interference of suffering, sacrificing, or saving that is deeply embedded in humanity’s consciousness.
•Broadcast an ascension blueprint that others can access. As a part of—not apart from—all humanity, what you do and receive becomes an opportunity available to others.
You are not just on a sacred mission. You are the mission.
Wherever you go, whatever you are doing, whoever you are being, you are channeling light codes.
Even if you have one of those days where plans go awry - such as getting stuck in traffic, having your flight rerouted, an appointment mix-up, a car breaking down, or unexpected change - do not judge it, make it wrong or assume something is off!
Quite often it will be that you and your codes of light have been called to a particular place, person, group, or event.
Relax into trusting that you are supported, loved, and guided and you will neutralize any stress, struggle, or sticky energies that slow down the sweetness of your experiences.
If you wish to expand as this mission, ask each day how you can both BE BLESSED and BE A BLESSING. And BECOME the blessed stream of possibilities flowing through, in, as and for you in 2025 and beyond.
We thank you again for your presence and delight in all you are being and all you are becoming.
~ The Keepers of the Akashic Records
ALICIA ISAACS HOWES, a best-selling author and global Akashic Records Teacher, has been a sought-after spiritual mentor for over 20 years, helping others clear the blocks to thriving in their purpose and prosperity. When she’s not teaching or coaching, you can fi nd her in the woods hugging more than one tree, sailing with her husband, enjoying live music (especially her musically talented sons) or on a search for the best creme brulee. She loves languages, has lived in 5 countries and travelled to 35+, so if you’re guessing she’s a Sagittarian, you’re right! To learn more about Alicia or working with her, visit www.yoursoulstory.com.
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