
The lunar nodes are not planets but points in the sky, abstract points in space formed by where the moons orbit crosses the ecliptic. The south node is the history of the moon, the north node the intended future. The lunar nodes move backwards through the zodiac, maybe to help us see that “Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards,” as Søren Kierkegaaard once said.

Since the lunar nodes are connected to the moon, and the moon is our habitual emotional nature, they bring a story in our personal chart about what habits and emotional experiences we bring into this life; our history; the direction and expansion we are moving towards emotionally and for our personality/ego; and our past orientation and evolutionary goals.

The same goes for the transit lunar nodes. What is the evolutionary potential of the collective, for all of us?

It can quickly become a story of what we need to leave behind, and a focus on what we should move towards, but that is not the whole truth. The nodes ask us to integrate: to go back and find our inherent gifts and the highest expression of the south node and move towards the north node with them. But as humans we like to somehow juggle the polarity, move 110% one way, then the other way 110% until at some point we see the quality of both, and integrate.

For the first time in 19 years, 2025 will start with the lunar node moving back into Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac. It seems so beautifully orchestrated, since 2025 is a number 9 year, the end of a cycle. Saturn ends its run in Pisces in 2025 and Neptune also ends its trip through Pisces in 2025. So, the lunar nodes arrive here to have us focus on what we might have missed, maybe all the way back from when Chiron, as well as Jupiter, was in Pisces. What were the Pisces learnings all about? 

With the north node in Pisces, and a south node in Virgo, we are, in broader terms, moving from habits - or a moon story based in the element of earth - to one based in the element of water. We are moving from analyzing our emotions and ourselves, finding flaws, and fixing ourselves (or alternatively keeping ourselves busy to avoid feeling emotions), to just feeling the emotions, letting them flow through us, and maybe using them as fuel for creative expressions.

The south node in Virgo is oriented toward detail, the practicalities of daily life, the need for control in a world that often brings chaos. It can be a little fixed to what can be proven and seen in the material realm, and focused on our mistakes and imperfections. We pass Sagittarius on the way to Pisces. “Maybe there is something
bigger than just our routines and rituals, maybe there is more to learn, new places to grow and expand, maybe it wasn’t a mistake but a lesson,” Sagittarius whispers.
And then we arrive at Pisces, where we forgive ourselves. Here we see ourselves as perfectly imperfect. We surrender to life instead of trying to control and plan and
steer it. We learn to trust in the process. We learn when to act and when to wait and let life flow. We learn that life is for sure about brushing our teeth and doing the dishes, and getting a schedule and routines and rituals in place that nurtures us, but it is also about so much more. We need the routine, but we also need the flow, the chaos, to birth us into new life experiences. A continuous dance between two polarities: the earthly realms and the divine.

With a focus on Pisces, we are collectively being called to see the need for faith and trust, and letting go so the Universe can take over. We learn that we are always in the right place, at the right time, and that all is well and unfolding as it should. We cannot live a wrong life or be on a wrong path. If we steer too far away, the Universe will guide us back.

We somehow believe that our survival can be threatened by disorder and chaos, but we are here to learn that peace must reside inside of us, since it can be taken away too easily outside of us. Instead of judging things as good or bad, we learn to see that it is all more nuanced, and in the greater picture we never know if the worst thing that ever happened to us turns out to be the best, or vice versa.

Moving away from rigid, physical material planning to letting things flow is a challenge. But remember, it is not "either/or", it is "both/and": order and chaos. This is especially true with Saturn still in Pisces for some of the transit to trust more in life is a skill it seems humankind needs more of, or rather to come back to, after thousands of years where that was the norm.

Pisces is unpredictable in the way that it holds the energy of the eleven other signs, and seems to give us exactly the individualized but divine learning we each need. Because we missed that step in our eagerness to move ahead. But what Pisces holds for all of us is love, non-judgment, surrender, compassion, and trust, as well as an awakening to a new level of consciousness, creativity and connectedness to our soul and each other.

And, hopefully, we will leave guilt, excessive worry and fear, looking for a savior, escapism, addiction and victim mentality behind. Because we have the confidence from the south node in Virgo to know we can do it on our own, and everything is “figureoutable,” even if we do not do it perfectly. Life is not about the illusion of perfection, or an ideal, it is all lived in the messy process from our first breath to the last. And the north node in Pisces is here to teach us that what really matters is the love we give and receive along the way.


PERNILLE ØRSKOV is based in Copenhagen, Denmark, and under the brand Astroswan, she inspires and help clients feel more empowered in life choices or in life
in general through astrology, by talks for companies, 1-1 coaching sessions, webinars, ebooks, online courses etc. She is a trained ballet dancer, with the Danish Royal Ballet, has a masters degree at University of Copenhagen and University of the Pacifi c, McGeorge School of Law, in 2003, lawyer (admitted to the Danish Bar in 2006) and founded her own law fi rm in 2015.

Astrology then appeared as a passion and she is now also a trained astrologer, owner, and founder of (2016) with a specifi c focus of bringing the sacred divine teachings of astrology into a physical, practical life. For Pernille, astrology is a tool for cocreating your life with the talents and resources you have been given, getting back to your true nature, and rediscovering the power of being you.

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