2025 MYSTICS ORACLE FORECAST by Lindsay Pera and Katina Castillo


A Bridge from 2024 to 2025: From Untangling to Elemental Resonance

As we reflect on 2024, the year of the wake up call and of untangling, we recognize the significant work done to unravel the complexities of our lives. The journey through 2024 was about facing fears, simplifying our existence, and preparing for a future that demanded clarity and resilience. The Below card, which anchored us last year, taught us to walk with our fears and connect deeply with the Earth, our foundation and our provider, laying a solid foundation for what is to come.

Now, in 2025, we transition from untangling to resonating with the elemental forces that govern our world. This year is about aligning with the natural rhythms of the Earth and the cosmos, allowing these energies to guide us towards greater harmony and balance in all aspects of life. The altar card for 2025 is Elementals, symbolizing the raw, unbridled power of nature that calls us to reconnect with our roots. The clarifying card is the Sun, which infuses this year with warmth, vitality, and the promise of renewal. What are we headed toward? The Dreamtime card appeared as the potential horizon before us. Just imagine if we let ourselves truly dream into being a world that honors every being and Mother Nature herself. The Unseen energies were the Children card, a literal reminder of the inheritors of the Earth and the downstream recipients of either our wisdom or our folly. We must dream forward a better way in service to the generations to come.  

On Sunday, November 10th, at 11 a.m. Pacific Time, spanning the miles of California, Katina and Lindsay connected in an impromptu Zoom meeting to share their felt truths following the U.S. election. Together, they explored what was important to emphasize to our Mystic community in light of the election results. 

This “Year of the Crossroads” calls on all of us to engage in more of these kinds of conversations. There is a strong call from Spirit to "call it what it is" and to bring forward truths and speak the unspokens. 

What follows is a summary of that conversation.

At the time of this writing, we stand at the threshold of profound change. We witness a vast chasm of ideology and morality. This binary battle reminds us to seek the third door that bypasses resistance to change that must unfold, and reminds us of the delicate balance between awareness and caution. In our quest for truth, we often find ourselves confronting theories that conflict but in essence reflect a deeper loss—our collective freedom, which many of us have not truly tasted for far too long. The revelations ahead will be both enlightening and heartbreaking.

In times of significant cosmic alignment, mystics and seers often feel the energy ripple through well in advance. Our experience during the pandemic was a testament to this; we had already traversed its challenges before it officially began. This foresight brings a sense of companionship, yet also a revelation about the people around us—those we thought we knew, but who reveal their true selves in times of crisis. It also offers validation, that when we feel, we know. What we saw is now unfolding before us.

The journey through “Below” times often highlights the stark contrast of consciousness. It reminds us that we must continually seek understanding of ourselves and others, especially within our communities. The pain of soul loss is palpable, as many grapple with disconnection from their true essence. Healing is essential because disconnection leads to confusion and suffering. In this tumultuous era, clarity emerges from the voices of wise women—leaders of color and indigenous peoples—who embody a calm strength amidst chaos. Their insights remind us of our collective power and the necessity of solidarity. Yet, we cannot ignore the harsh realities we face. The structures of power we have been suspended within are crumbling, resulting in the sense of freefall, and revealing a need for new pathways forward. 

As we approach significant astrological thresholds, we are reminded that change is not merely about political cycles but a deeper transformation of consciousness. We must engage with the microcosms of our lives, honoring the lessons they provide. The struggles we encounter are essential to our awakening. 

Together we can walk the Mystics Path and embrace the journey ahead with open hearts and minds, recognizing that true power lies not where we have been taught to look, but in the sacred fire that guides us. The time for awakening is now, and together, we can navigate the complexities of our shared existence. Through the shadow and light of the Crossroads before us, the Mystics Almanac 2025 is here to help guide your way through this transformative journey. - Lindsay Pera and Katina Castillo

Order your 2025 Mystics Almanac now and gain the peace of mind to carry you through the entire year.