Spring Equinox

Here in the North we invite the energies of the East...of Spring.
Let yourself be guided by the directions into the new....
Spring Equinox Wheel - The New
E: New Dawn
SE: New Day
S: New Path
SW: New Joy
W: New Connections
NW: New Reflections
N: New Vision
NE: New Dreams
For our friends in the Southern lands...
Autumn Equinox Wheel - The Claiming
E: Claim Appreciation
SE: Claim Joy
S: Claim Harvest
SW: Claim Celebration
W: Claim Gratitude & Exhale
NW: Claim Reflections
N: Claim Vision
NE: Claim Dreams

Equinoxes represent a balancing out of the extreme/polarized energy we journey through from the solstice points - at this time, beginning spring in the north after three months of winter. This is the astrological and commonly agricultural new year that signifies warming days and sprouting seeds. It is a powerful threshold of fresh starts, new beginnings, renewed energy for forward growth. This year the emphasis on change to the new is robustly enhanced by additional planetary alignments marking that the divine timing for evolution is here.
The Virgo full moon just two days before March equinox always represents the cleanup, organization and grounding of the messy energy of Pisces we must swim through to compassionately discharge grief and nostalgia for the past, surrendering it back to the All of potentiality so we can continue onward into the next cycle. But this year that Virgo moon was in exact harmonious alignment with Pluto in Capricorn and the North Node in Taurus, powerfully bolstering transformation of the old and destiny pulling us toward new material realities. Thank goddess for these additional grounding supports because with not only Sun but Mercury, Jupiter, and Neptune in Pisces, floating aimlessly in the All Time dimension of collective unconscious with no boundaries or ground to stand on was beginning to feel like a fog that would never lift from our path. From the start of next week forward, we should be able to see our roads more clearly to be able to understand what we need to do next to get closer to our desired destinations upon new shores.
Venus and Mars continue to travel together now in Aquarius, also a sign of change and evolution and will align in activating tension with Uranus, the modern ruler of Aquarius, in Taurus the sign the north node of destiny is guiding us to learn and embody. These alignments may bring uncomfortable surprises or "curve balls" to our plans but it is breakthrough energy that is positively for our highest good.
Piscean dreaminess, and therefore extra sleepiness, will continue into April so let us be patient with ourselves as we emerge from inward, emotional hibernation and deep reflection that held us back from a lot of action-taking during the winter retrogrades. It is now time to reset, potentially redesign, and certainly recommit to our day to day, week to week, and month to month core routines, dialed into our wheels and rings as they exist for us now. This equinox time is about birthing the new life reality we have been incubating behind the scenes. Time to go for it, pushing past fear with faith in your own abilities and an unwavering resolve to create in form with your own resources the vision that's been circling in your mind.