2022 NUMEROLOGY by Kari Samuels

Looking at the numbers of this year, one thing stands out - the repetition of 2s.
2022 brings us three 2s and a 0. This is significant. Anytime there is a zero (0), it magnifies the energies of the numbers around it. Surely, we are meant to master the lessons of the 2 vibration as a collective.
The 1 is the Divine Masculine. 2 represents the Divine Feminine.
1 is yang. 2 is yin.
Yet, this does not mean this year will be uninteresting. Having a predominance of the number 2 in the year can be wildly dynamic. Surely, the events of 2020 taught us that.
Learning harmony through division
There is a light and shadow aspect to every number.
In its highest manifestation, 2 qualities are:
Fairness, balance, romance, harmony, beauty, love, peace, diplomacy, sensitivity, empathy, kindness, and intuitive clarity.
In its lowest expression, 2 qualities are:
Division, polarization, strife, jealousy, cruelty, victimization, moodiness, and emotional extremes.
We are sure to witness the full range of these qualities this year.
The world is divided. Not only do people have different opinions, but in some instances, we have entirely different realities.
Our polarized beliefs have torn humanity apart. We will see these polarities in the extreme this year. Yet, we will also see people joining together in beautiful ways.
The number 2 always brings your awareness that you cannot live in this world alone. We are all on this journey called life together. We MUST look after one another.
People are waking up to the racial, social, and environmental injustices of the world.
Though we will most likely see more systemic issues arise, we are sure to see more solutions.
We are building a better society.
2022 - Year of the Master Builder
Every year is defined by its last two numbers. For instance, 2022 will be abbreviated as ‘22.
In numerology, 22 is considered a Master Number. During a Master Number year, you will have great opportunities AND challenges.
22 is known as the Master Builder.
As a society, we will be rebuilding our structures to ensure they benefit the greater good.
Yet, there are structures in your life that need to be rebuilt as well. You’ve most likely been considering how you can have a more significant impact on the world while maintaining your health and well-being. You may find yourself focusing on rebuilding your foundations so you can have more freedom and fulfillment.
22 is sometimes known as the Master Teacher. You may have the desire to share your wisdom and pass your knowledge on to others. You have something special inside you that is unique and beautiful. It is meant to be expressed.
You need to have discipline as you take practical steps toward making your dreams come true. You might feel there are some days you don't have what it takes, yet this is a strength-building year, and you can achieve your goals one step at a time.
2022 is a 6 Universal Year
Since numbers are vibrations, every calendar year, as the numbers change, so does the energy.
The overarching energy for the year is known as the Universal Year Number.
In numerology, 2022 is a 6 Universal Year. We derive that by adding the numbers (2+0+2+2 = 6).
6 is the number of beauty, balance, and harmony.
After the disruption of the 5 Universal Year (as we experienced in 2021), the 6 restores peace.
Certainly, we will continue to see polarization, division, and strife. Yet, there will be a drive for more diplomacy, compromise, and cooperation.
6 is a highly domestic number. With so much chaos in the world, there will be a need to return to home as a sanctuary. The focus will be on family and loved ones.
Balancing body, mind, and spirit
6 often brings an increase in responsibilities of home and work. Sometimes you will feel there is too much to juggle between your career, family, and finances. You will need to make some difficult choices about what to let go of and what to delegate to others.
Of course, you CAN do everything yourself, but at what cost?
This year will bring some hard lessons in balance and boundaries. The more you prioritize your self-care, the happier you and your loved ones will be.
You may recognize the need to spend more time with loved ones. Or perhaps you may let go of people you once loved. As people reconnect their hearts, they may recognize that they are no longer compatible and go their separate ways. Though we will see an increase in divorce, we will see people finding true love as well.
Above all, listen to your heart. You will always find your way.
ABOUT Kari Samuels
Kari Samuels is an Intuitive Counselor and Happiness Coach who helps people align with their soul’s purpose and reclaim their intuitive gifts. She utilizes the unique spiritual blueprint encoded in numbers to help you heal your past, tune into your present, and decipher your destiny. Using a variety of healing modalities, she liberates you from self-sabotaging fears and beliefs so you can fulfill your soul's purpose with joy and prosperity. She has become a go-to resource for people around the
world seeking to discover practical tools for magical living.