February 2024 Insights

February 2024 expands consciousness and furthers our understanding of how everyday magic manifests form. Venus squaring Chiron will bring wisdom to our core wounds, while Mercury meeting Pluto at 0 Aquarius will refine the future vision in mind to align with soul. That vision then becomes newly integrated as an embodied desire guided by our north star when Venus and Mars unite. Finally, Sun and Mercury meeting Saturn and harmonizing with Jupiter grounds us in authentic responsibility and right action for aligned strategy and investments in the dream. - Katina
“The more you connect with your inner guidance system, the stronger your muscle of knowing becomes.” ~ The Mystics Path
West | Water | Higher Self
This year commenced with a bit of fatigue from having navigated the year passed, and a bit of trepidation for the year ahead. Whether this showed up for you as exhaustion, or anticipation is just perfect for you. But before you lose yourself in the tides of the unfolding weeks and months ahead, really give yourself time to feel your way forward. Remember, this is a year governed by Below energies in order to align to your purpose. So before you bolt ahead, keep going deep. This is a year for exploring the roots of all things. In order to go high you must to deep.
This month you may feel torn between a quickening pace all around you and the need or desire to take more time to get clear on your vision for the year. The West card guiding your health and wellbeing this month offers itself as a reminder to pause. The West is the direction of the setting sun, the beauty way, and of gratitude, itself. The West also reminds us that there is much insight to be gained from giving yourself time to soak up beauty and really reflect on all you are thankful for, and all that has contributed to where you are today. Go ahead and release what doesn't serve you. You do not need to carry it anymore. Like the otter, link arms with all that boosts your health and your spirits and let yourself play with your vision and inquiry of what could be in the months to come. “Honor your phases and stages, cycles and rhythms.” ~ The Mystics Oracle
As we journey into this second month of the year, we are guided deeper into the self. Although 2024 is a year that focuses on the shift and change in order to align to what is possible - which suggests that you take a radical inventory of what is working and not working in your life - that change will not happen overnight. In fact the change envisioned and claimed this month will become the roots of what wants to be born over the entire next chapter of your life, not only the month or year before you. Water - For your relationships this month, look for ways to support the matters of the heart with deeper flow, boundaries and vulnerability. Avoid rigidity or isolation when it comes to matters of the heart. This month the energies will support you in speaking your truth, owning your feelings and giving you the riverbanks to flow toward a more harmonious state of being. What you do in service to “flow” this month will serve you well downstream. One last word of caution, whenever we see Water afoot we are potentially prone to “vulnerability hangovers” as the conditions are rife for oversharing and over exposing your inner workings. Try not to let this contract your ability to connect in meaningful ways. Take yourself a bit more lightly. Be as kind to yourself and your emotions as you would be to your most cherished friend. West and Water together guiding your health and heart this month make for sensitive and watery times. Extend extra grace to all in your circles, first and foremost yourself.
For prosperity this month you are guided by the energies of the Higher Self card. We have gone from Above in January to Higher Self in February, and the messages are very much in sync. This is a time to focus on discernment as you identify what serves your highest good in terms of your finances and money. Avoid rash purchases. Push pause rather than leap into impulse spending. Make a list of needs or opportunities but then sit on them for a moon cycle or two. The more you let your higher forces guide you, the best served you will be.
In summary, this month let yourself be guided by the energies from above that guide with truth and conviction. Trust in the ebb and flow this month but do not be afraid to pause to give yourself time to discern your most aligned path forward.. Protect your boundaries, or what we call riverbanks, and inner compass. The inner work and discernment you claim for yourself this month has key significance for the year ahead. Do not try to force anything that doesn’t feel right. - Lindsay
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