August 2024 Insights


On August 1st Sun will be in Fire trine to North Node as Leo season continues, but Mercury having recently entered its second home of Virgo, and preparing to turn retrograde in a few days, is a reminder the party can’t last forever. By this time, we’re likely to feel grateful for that fact. Four outer planets are now retrograde and with Mercury to join, summer vacations are being squeezed for their last drop of fun with a sober understanding they will soon end and there will be plenty to tidy up after the more dramatic energies of the season depart. The new moon on August 4th will be followed by a drop in energy as Venus joins Mercury in Virgo and we feel the physical fatigue of retrograde season combined with the call of duty back to work, school, and mundane routines. Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini on the 16th can be a bright spot of inspiration in an otherwise critical or skeptical mood mid-month, but then there’s Sun and Mercury Rx squaring Uranus plus Venus opposing Saturn Rx a few days later, so a bit of grumpiness or pouting is par for the course. Frankly, with Mercury not going direct until the last day of August, this is a month to recognize that when we are being defensive and/or territorial, it’s likely because we need a nap, a nourishing meal, and a clean house. Giving yourself what you need is a sacred act of service to All. - Katina

"Periods of inner reflection, work and metamorphosis are essential for the community and societal transformations we seek. In these moments, we receive the greatest return if we hold these quiet lulls as a necessary part of the process…” ~ Nicole Lee - The Mystics Almanac 2023

The Ancestors card shows up guiding our health and wellbeing this month. From the magic of Resonance to Ancestors, the primary takeaway is to remember that you are not alone, and that you have allies beyond the veil seeking to help you bring the reality you desire into form. A secondary form of medicine that the Ancestors card brings to your health this month is a nudge to look back, back along our own life timeline, back into your childhood, or even back into your family lineage to seek insight on the path that you walk in these times. What can you learn from those who have gone before? What can you glean from all that has passed in seasons prior. Let your inquiry guide you this month in claiming insight from the past to apply to your health and wellbeing in the now.

Breakthrough energies guide our relationships and matters of the heart this month. From Transformation in July to Breakthrough in August - what relief this trajectory
can bring. What begins as the caterpillar in its cocoon phase results in the emergence of the butterfly. What has felt in shift or in progress will now be made visible. The awakening of 2024 brings with it the opportunity to see things in new ways. Take this breakthrough energy to heart this month. Set aside old ways that no longer serve or which hold you back to former ways of being that want to be composted into new life, new nourishment, and new deeper levels of connection. Breakthrough can feel scary as you emerge to something anew, learn who you are first, and proceed with new levels of self love and confidence as you advance forward. 

Right Livelihood is one of our overarching altar cards for 2024, and here in August it makes an appearance governing our Prosperity and Abundance. It will show itself again in this pillar in November. Twice in one year, it is paramount you understand its energies. There are three primary pillars of right livelihood: soul purpose & path, sacred commerce, and leadership & legacy. Right Livelihood is an energy that reminds us that we are here on the planet for a reason, and when we align ourselves to that reason we unlock deeper levels of meaning and purpose, and that prosperty and lasting legacy are built on that steady foundation. It’s always fun  when we see these energies afoot guiding our money matters. Are you aligned to what you feel you are on the planet to do? If not, what shift wants to happen. If it were all to end tomorrow would you exit this existence feeling like you had done what you came to do? If so - double down and run with it this month because the energies are creating tail wind to your success, if not, this is your opportunity to really face the shifts that are seeing to be brought into form. Wild abundance flows through right livelihood. It's an auspicious month and year to align to yours. 

It’s okay if you feel a bit all over the place in August. We are experiencing a collective shift that holds both quickening energies and stalling energies at the same time. Be kind to yourself! What you get done is enough. What didn’t get done can be addressed another day. Soak in the last jewel colors of the season. The to do’s will be there, this time for deep nourishment may be fleeting as we round the corner into the end of the year. 

Order your 2024 Mystics Almanac now and gain the peace of mind to carry you through the entire year. Now 50% off.